About our sponsors
The MMP's activities are made possible by funding received from a number of organisations and individuals committed to making a positive difference to mathematics education and the public understanding of mathematics. We are enormously grateful to all our supporters for their generosity.
Current funders
We are very grateful for current funding from Cambridge University Press and Assessment; HEIF; MEI; Trinity College, Cambridge; a very generous donation from XTX Markets to support NRICH; and funding from the colleges of the University of Cambridge to fund the development and delivery of the STEP Support Programme.
We receive support from grant-funded collaborations with the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences and the JUNIPER consortium.
The University of Cambridge's Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics and School of the Physical Sciences have been most generous in providing very significant financial and in-kind support.
Many private individuals have generously made donations to us, both large and small. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to them, not only for their financial support, but also for the evidence their gifts provide of the importance they attach to our work, which we very much appreciate.
We are very grateful to all the colleges, departments, individuals and companies who provided donations and grants to support the STIMULUS programme, placing volunteer Cambridge students in local schools to help with maths, science and computing classes.
Past support
We received extremely generous initial funding from Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment (formerly the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate).
We remain very grateful for past support from Citi Foundation; the Clothworkers' Foundation; COPUS; the Department for Education and Skills (DfES); EMTA (the Engineering and Marine Training Agency); EPSRC; the Ernest Cook Trust; the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries; the Ford Motor Company; FQXi; IBM; the Goldman Sachs Foundation; Gresham College; HEIF 5 funding for knowledge exchange allocated to the University of Cambridge; Huawei; the Isaac Newton Trust; the John Templeton Foundation; Legal and General; Math for America; Microsoft Research; the NCETM; NESTA; the Nuffield Foundation; the Ogden Trust; the Peter Gruber Foundation; PSI; PPARC; the Royal Academy of Engineering; the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851; the Royal Institution; the RSA; the Sansom-Eligator Foundation; Schlumberger; SHINE; STFC; Templeton World Charity Foundation; Unilever; the Victor Rothschild Memorial Trust; the Wellcome Trust; and the Winton Charitable Foundation. A number of departments and schools in the University of Cambridge have provided financial support, for which we are very grateful, and the Faculty of Education also provided significant support in kind. We received funding in the past from HEFCE funds allocated to the University of Cambridge to support and develop aspiration-raising activities and from the University of Cambridge's Active Communities Fund. We also particularly thank all those supporters who made donations in memory of the late Professor H.E. Daniels, and the family of Nicky Shaw.
We would like to thank all of our sponsors, past and present, for their generous support.